Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Just seen the launch of The Young Generation ooo looks exciting, might have to start a Youtube channel, 
check it out guys! :)

Well I'll continue here for now,
You know that hairband tutorial I posted last week. Well I've been getting busy and have made 2 or 3 more. Have a look! You can buy them on Etsy if you do so desire.

So I said just find something to stick on, but I didn't like anything I already had so I made my own toppers, this blue one is just loops and loops of ribbon with a gem on top. Last weeks was some funky bunched material with a role of it in the center as the bud.

 This was just some cute pastel buttons I found and stuck on! Cute huh?

I decided not to wrap this one with ribbon as I like the shiney silver look, The topper is folded over ribbon shaped into a bow, then I had a pretty flower thing lol that matched the colour so I stuck it on :)

Don't forget to check my Etsy shop

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Mothers Day

So Mothers days tomorrow! A bit of a mad week of rushed crafting for me. I saw this applique cushion in Tescos that had "Best Mum" on it, but it was a bit plain and didn't have that special something that you want for a gift. So I set about making my own.

Mum had a couple of pillowcases upstairs that she'd bought but never used so Jim-Bob and I set about cutting them up and sewing, I wish I had taken pictures! 

Jim-Bobs was blue stripey lettering on blue flowery background that said "JimBob <3's Grandma" and mine was the same but pink, but saying "Jasmine loves Grandma". 
I think the cutting out of the letters was the hardest part, the sewing was just basic running stitch :) easy peasy. 

In the end they turned out really cute! Quick and simple and special, my idea of a perfect Mothers Day gift!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Orange Headband

So I have just had a mad hairband making craze!
It started off with this one, which is without a doubt my favourite, and totally unique! I've never seen any headbands like this one before.

It was a quite complicated to make and I got a few burns off the glue gun but it was all worth it in the end!

To make your own hairband you will need: 
A plain plastic hairband
Hot glue gun
A long thin length of ribbon
Some kind of accessory, bow, flower etc. to glue on.
1. Cut a square of the ribbon, put a dot of hot glue in the center of it and press onto the tip of the hairband.       Do the same for the other side.
2. Then get the length of the rest of the ribbon and put a smear of glue on the end of that. Attatch to the end of the headband. Start wrapping it around, make sure you wrap up the four corners of the square you put on the tip.
3. Keep going, pulling it tight until you reach the end. Wrap up the four corners of the other end and fasten the end of the length of ribbon with another smear of hot glue.
4. Glue on your accessory at a pretty angle.

I wish I'd taken some photos whilst I was doing it, it would be far easier to explain!
It is all a bit fiddly to start off with but becomes easier the more you practice.

Also check out my Etsy shop where you can buy this headband :)