Saturday, March 9, 2013

Mothers Day

So Mothers days tomorrow! A bit of a mad week of rushed crafting for me. I saw this applique cushion in Tescos that had "Best Mum" on it, but it was a bit plain and didn't have that special something that you want for a gift. So I set about making my own.

Mum had a couple of pillowcases upstairs that she'd bought but never used so Jim-Bob and I set about cutting them up and sewing, I wish I had taken pictures! 

Jim-Bobs was blue stripey lettering on blue flowery background that said "JimBob <3's Grandma" and mine was the same but pink, but saying "Jasmine loves Grandma". 
I think the cutting out of the letters was the hardest part, the sewing was just basic running stitch :) easy peasy. 

In the end they turned out really cute! Quick and simple and special, my idea of a perfect Mothers Day gift!

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